Featured Weddings

Weddings Jared Lindsay Weddings Jared Lindsay

Dustin + Kelly's Wedding {Berleson, Texas}

This was the type of couple I had been looking for for years. It wasn't until a rebrand in 2014 that I started to connect with couples like Dustin and Kelly. Down to earth. Warm hearted. And open for anything. Trust cannot be under rated. These two gave to me their trust and I am so very grateful to them for that. 

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Weddings Jared Lindsay Weddings Jared Lindsay

Tim + Kristin's Wedding - Japanese Garden {Ft. Worth, Texas}

The first thing that comes to mind as I sit down to write this blog post is trust. This was a truly awesome wedding day. Some people might think of a big, grandiose sized wedding when they think of awesome weddings, but I think of things like truthkindnesslove, and honesty when I think of what an "awesome" wedding really is. This was that kind of wedding.

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Weddings Jared Lindsay Weddings Jared Lindsay

Anna + Martin's Wedding {Ft. Worth Texas}

I've shot a lot of weddings, and if I know one thing, you do not have to go big or grandious in order to have a great wedding...you just have to have love. This was a wedding that really put the emphasis on that. It was just completely encapsulated in love and support. 

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