Featured Weddings

Weddings Jared Lindsay Weddings Jared Lindsay

Dustin + Kelly's Wedding {Berleson, Texas}

This was the type of couple I had been looking for for years. It wasn't until a rebrand in 2014 that I started to connect with couples like Dustin and Kelly. Down to earth. Warm hearted. And open for anything. Trust cannot be under rated. These two gave to me their trust and I am so very grateful to them for that. 

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Weddings Jared Lindsay Weddings Jared Lindsay

Michael + Fiona's Wedding {Weatherford, Texas}

I have been looking forward to Michael+Fiona's wedding for a while now. I love these two people. They are so adventurous, free spirited, funny, and never boring. I knew this a few minutes into their engagement session. Their wedding was fun and had never a dull moment.

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